Academics All Improvements NCAA Rules

Dealing with Negative Issues with the NCAA

  The NCAA and their rules and member institutions make up a very complex and powerful world. As you are submitting information to the NCAA Eligibility Center and working towards admission and enrollment to your chosen university you may encounter setbacks. You may have academic credit deficiencies, questions and investigations into your amateur status, flagged SAT/ACT scores, problems with your …

All Scholarship Offers

How to Help Pay for College Outside of Athletic Scholarships?

  Hundreds of thousands of student-athletes are lucky enough to earn athletic scholarships… but millions of other students each year are not, and must find ways to pay for their college education! Tuition, university fees, room and board, academic supplies, books and living expenses add up quickly! Here are some ways to help cover expenses for a college education, learn …

All Evaluations

Will Suspensions Ruin My Recruitment?

One of a coach’s toughest jobs during the recruiting process is to evaluate the risk vs. reward with players. All coaches in America ask themselves: “Will I sign a more talented player with off-the-field issues or mistakes in their past… or will I sign a less talented player who has no off-the-field issues?” Every situation is different and every coaching …

All Getting Noticed Improvements Transfers

Should I Transfer? I’ve Started Several Games and Just Got Benched for No Reason…

  Not necessarily – you may think there is “no reason,” but your coach may have a valid reason. From a recruiting standpoint – benching and playing time can effect your recruitment in a few ways: • Does your benching have anything to do with attitude, grades or work ethic? Is there a “lesson” in the benching that your coach …