Academics All Improvements NCAA Rules

Dealing with Negative Issues with the NCAA


The NCAA and their rules and member institutions make up a very complex and powerful world. As you are submitting information to the NCAA Eligibility Center and working towards admission and enrollment to your chosen university you may encounter setbacks. You may have academic credit deficiencies, questions and investigations into your amateur status, flagged SAT/ACT scores, problems with your transcripts… the NCAA problems that players can run into are limitless.

The #1 rule to remember during this time is to just be honest, tell the truth. If the NCAA catches you in a lie, your shot is over. They take their time, attempt to get all of the information and rarely rush to a decision. It’s best to take a deep breath, tell the truth and wait out a decision. Even if you are guilty on some level and tell the truth, you may face reinstatement or minor punishments. If you are guilty and lie about it, they are doing their investigations interviewing several other people involved in the situation and can permanently end your career if they come to the conclusion that you are lying.

I’ve worked with a handful of players and coaches who were in the center of NCAA investigations—some minor and some that became national news. In high profile cases, the public perception is that players and coaches are guilty until proven innocent. It’s not fair, but it is the case. That’s why it’s best to be honest, keep a low profile and wait on the investigation to run its course.

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