All Communicating with Coaches Getting Noticed Highlight Video Tips

SETBACKS: Not Hearing Anything Back After Sending Video or Questionnaire

First off, this is normal for many players. You may have hundreds of unreturned phone calls and emails—I’m not exaggerating! It’s not always easy. For most of you, it won’t be easy.

There could be a few issues:

#1- Are you old enough for coaches to contact you? The NCAA limits DI and DII schools, dates when coaches are allowed to contact you vary by sport. They may not be responding because they are not allowed to.

#2- Are you sending your film to a specific person? The coach who recruits your area? NEVER send your film to a generic email address like [email protected]. Nobody may be checking it.

#3- Have you followed up with the recruiting coach who you sent it to? Coaches get hundreds of unsolicited emails from recruits each month. Sometimes they get lost in the shuffle and are unopened. Coaches have endless responsibilities and don’t always have time to watch all unsolicited film (not requested by coaching staff). Follow up to help your chances!

#4- Have you limited yourself? If you aren’t being recruited and are a junior or senior, send your film and Student-Athlete Resume to schools within 250-400 mile radius. They may not be your dream schools or where you want to sign, but it’s easier to gain interest and get in contact with coaches if you have other offers, no matter what level of play. Positive momentum can help you, both mentally and in getting a few minutes of time from other coaches.

If your film isn’t working, you need to try a few other paths. There are “8 Reasons Why Athletes are Recruited.” You may need to try a different angle.

If you still aren’t gaining interest you may need to consider going to a Junior College for a year or two or to try to make a team as a Walk-On. You may need to consider academic or other types of scholarship opportunities and pursue walk-on opportunities.

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