All Highlight Video Tips NCAA Rules What to Expect: Year-by-Year

Q: When is it legal to send emails or videos to a college coach?

A: Any time. High school prospective student-athletes can call or email college coaches at any time at their own expense. The rules only apply to when coaches are able to contact prospective student-athletes or their families. You can reach out to them at any time! Realistically, if you don’t have any offers, it’s best to wait until your junior season. …

All Communicating with Coaches Getting Noticed Highlight Video Tips

Q: Where do players send their film to be evaluated? Can they send it to college coaches directly?

  A: Yes! Each coaching staff splits recruiting responsibilities, normally by location, position or grad year. For this reason, it is a big time and energy-saver to begin the process by contacting the coach who is responsible for recruiting your hometown or position. Once the recruiting coach has done their research on you, the position coach has done their evaluation, …

All Evaluations Improvements Position Tips

Q: I’m a WR with talent but my QB doesn’t throw my way much, how can I get recognized without catches?

A: If the quarterback isn’t throwing your way often, you’ll worry your stats won’t be good enough to get recruited. College coaches know that stats can be misleading and many coaches don’t put too much weight on their importance, instead they evaluate overall skills, size and speed. If you have the base traits, they can coach you. Don’t panic, there …

All International Players

Q: Can I get a scholarship if I live in outside of the US? How do I get noticed if I live in another country?

A: Yes, I’ve worked with foreign players nearly every year. The same rules apply as American students, but realize you will have to do a lot more footwork on your own (making phone calls, sending emails with your film and information, deal with unreturned messages, etc). Just as there are scouts in America in different regions, there are also scouts …

All Getting Noticed What to Expect: Year-by-Year

Q: My daughter is a junior and a DII coach said if she’s not recruited by D1 schools by now that she never will be. True?

A: Everyone’s situation is different and college coaches are constantly evaluating talent and trying to find the best players available. From my experiences, there is no such thing as “too late” to coaches (even Division I coaches) if they think a prep player can help their team win. Period. Timing is important in the recruiting process—a program may only need …

AAU / Club Sports All Getting Noticed

Q: Does my child need to play on a high profile club/AAU team? Do coaches comb through all teams at tourneys and evaluate?

  A: No, not necessarily. When coaches are evaluating players at tournaments, yes, they are looking for new talent that is not currently on their radar. But, they’re also there supporting players they are already interested in and actively recruiting, and even players who have already committed or signed. Even when a recruit commits or signs their NLI, the “recruiting” …