Showing: 61 - 70 of 195 RESULTS
All Camps Getting Noticed

Q: I have struggles getting to summer camps, what else do you suggest? Do I have to go to camp in order to get recruited?

A: Camps are just one way to get noticed but not your only opportunity! If you can’t afford to go to overnight or week-long camps (and associated travel costs), here are a few options that might make them more affordable: – Pro-Rated Camp Fees: For example, if a camp is $300 for five days, you may be able to attend …

All Camps Campus Visits (Official & Unofficial) NCAA Rules

Q: If a coach invites you to camp, will they cover the cost? Does that count as an Official Visit?

A: No, all campers – regardless if invited or offered scholarships already or not – must pay the same price for camp. The NCAA mandates that it’s… “Impermissible to provide a reduced or free admission to an athletics award winner or any individual being recruited by the institution.” All camp participants must pay the same fees. Camps are a great …

All Combines Getting Noticed

Q: Football Combines: If I go to a third-party combine, will that help me get looks?

  A: Yes! Combines are a great way to get on the map—whether it’s Nike, Under Armour, Reebok or other third-party sponsor! Attending regional combines will help you get more exposure versus quality players in your area and will especially give you the chance to see how you stack up with measureables. How do you stack up versus other players …

All Communicating with Coaches

Q: Can you call a college coach that you have had little contact with to show your interest?

A: Before your junior year, don’t worry too much about communicating with coaches, instead you should focus your attention on your academics and your position skills, speed, strength and leadership. Even if you’re starting on varsity, it’s better to invest your time in becoming a better player than trying to earn a bunch of early offers. If you are a …